App design for Amba, a product built to deliver real-time care for elderly & vulnerable people


Founder and CEO, Stuart, originally developed Amba to solve a need that he was experiencing as his father aged, but through this it became apparent that other caregivers needed the same solution. After extensive R&D, the Amba platform is now live, providing real time health data and alerts, empowering carers worldwide to deliver more responsive, more personalised and more effective care.

I worked with the team at Amba to define the stylesheet, design the app interface, create a data visualisation style and then put all the pieces together, rolling out the styling across all screens. Based on feedback from users of the prototype app and considering the huge amounts of live data being handled by the app, it was clear that we needed to keep the interface simple, leaving an uncluttered window for the live data and alerts to be viewed and acted upon by carers quickly and efficiently.

Super clear iconography

Carers often have lots of people to look after, across multiple locations. It was important to develop an icon library which was easy to understand at a glance, and consistent across the app, to reduce the time needed to digest information.

By providing a detailed stylesheet outlining the core elements the team will be able to create new screens and functionality as the Amba platform evolves.

Room to grow 🌱